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Zero Waste Forums

Join Zero Waste Sonoma County, Sonoma County AB939 Local Task Force for Solid Waste and the Sonoma Conservation Conservation Council in planning a series of forums highlighting Zero Waste Initiatives in Sonoma County.

Food Waste Reduction and Re-Use - 2013
The first forum will be on Food Waste Reduction and Re-Use. Organized in coordination with the Northern California Recycling Association's (NCRA) Zero Waste Week, March 13-22, the actual date and location have not yet been determined.

The Forum will highlight County groups and agencies that collect and distribute various types of food that would otherwise be thrown out.
If you are interested in helping to
a. Organize this event
b. Talk/table at this event
c. Donate in any way
Please contact either Portia Sinnott

Thanks for your anticipated interest and participation.